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Sophia and Glen have four girls between the ages of six and eleven. So, they’re the perfect couple to talk about mistakes and regrets! Right now, the kids are all in primary school, so Sophia and Glen don’t know about the horrors of teen parenting ahead – yet.
Now some regrets can’t be avoided, but some can – with the right advice. Sophia’s hot water system is packing it in. Her first call was to another plumbing company that suggested a gigantic solar set-up. Luckily, she called in Salmon Plumbing for a second opinion.
Bathrooms and growing kids
Right now, Sophia’s kids are all bathed before dinner. They’re in bed by 9. They’re up early for sport and band. It’s a busy life but manageable. Let’s look into Sophia’s future.
Four girls aged between 12 and 17. There are some wonderful, proud moments. Some exciting conversations and achievements. There’s also an inconceivable amount of door slamming. A constant threat of tears and tantrums. The bickering. There’s even a boyfriend with a mullet.
What first-time parents to teens don’t know is that there’ll also be a prolonged and strife-ridden period of hot water shortages. The competition for bathroom time is fierce. The average shower takes longer than most wars. And the hair in the drain. How are they not all bald?
It’s not just girls. Boys have two settings: no shower or a 2-hour shower. There is nothing in between.
The best hot water system for big families
First, we love solar hot water here at Salmon Plumbing. In fact, we’re certified Rheem Solar Specialists. We have vetted and tested all the leading solar hot water systems and measured them for cost savings and emissions outputs. Solar hot water is the absolute best value – for smaller households. We’ll always advise our customers on the best hot water system for their specific needs. For Sophia and Glen, it wasn’t solar. It was a heat pump hot water system.
Why are heat pump hot water systems better for big families?
Big families use hot water differently, especially those with older kids. Older kids are up later, using all your hot water after the sun has gone down. Heat pump hot water systems can’t match solar efficiency for smaller households (although they come close), but for bigger established families, they win hands down. Why?
Older kids typically shower at night when no solar energy is being generated. And late-night showers are usually the longest showers. If one kid uses all the hot water at night, you’ll be relying on grid power to reheat your whole tank overnight.
Bathroom use is typically busiest early in the morning before the sun has hit its peak. In a big family, you may have two or more bathrooms operating before the sun is even up (and probably an argument about bathroom turns, too.)
Older kids are up later. They leave chores like loading the dishwasher until well after the sun is down and use hot water to make midnight snacks. They’re known to chuck tomorrow’s outfit in the washing machine at midnight. And on school holidays, they transform into 100% nocturnal beings, rarely seen during the daylight hours.
The reality of teen parent life, and the real savings
We’ve been researching hot water systems for over a decade. It’s how we’ve been able to supply cutting-edge technology to our clients. We tested water heating cost estimates supplied by reliable government and watchdog sources. Then we tested “real world usage.” Here’s what we found:
A large family, using more than 150 litres of water per day, using a grid-boosted, energy-efficient heat pump hot water system, will pay up to 29% LESS for water heating than a big family using a similar solar set-up – even in peak billing hours.
A large family will use more than 300 litres of water a day – especially if you have teenagers who stand about in the shower until the hot water runs out! You can see how reducing the cost of heating all that water translates to tangible savings.
It’s not just about cost savings
Heat pump hot water systems work just fine in Brisbane’s winter. They work just fine at night. They work just fine on rainy days. So your hot water delivery is consistent without switching over to grid power – and that’s important for the doors in your home. Less interruption to the hot water supply means fewer slammed doors. Think of the doors!
Talk to Salmon Plumbing before you choose your next hot water system. We’ll make sure it’s future-proof. We can’t save you from “Mullet Boyfriend” regrets, but we can make sure you’ve got the right hot water system.