Trade waste is all the liquid waste that is generated on commercial and industrial premises that is not human waste. This could be chemicals, metals, detergents, grease, oil and food scraps. Usually, trade waste is the result of a manufacturing process and is discharged into the sewerage system. This discharge is more contaminated than domestic waste and has to be managed properly to prevent damage to the sewerage system and the environment.

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Some of the industries that generate trade waste are:

  • Restaurants
  • Service stations and mechanical repair workshops
  • Hospitals and medical centres
  • Chemical manufacturers
  • Pesticide manufacturers
  • Metal finishers

Salmon Plumbing offers a large range of quality trade waste solutions.

Fox Environmental Systems:

All systems are based on the proven design of the Fox Diversion Valve. This is the simplest way of ensuring that the contaminated runoff is diverted from the stormwater system and downstream waterways. The diverted water can then be appropriately treated and disposed of.

The Fox system is a modular design that can be arranged to meet the requirements of even the most challenging applications.

The Fox Environmental Systems pollution control range of stormwater protection equipment also includes Gross Pollutant Collection Equipment which offers a cost-effective way to treat runoff from large paved areas which may carry floating debris and small quantities of hydrocarbon pollutants. These units have a unique design to capture and retain pollutants for easy removal and disposal.

Everhard Waste Water Solutions:

Everhard Industries offers the complete wastewater solutions including septic tanks, collection wells, grease traps and grey water recycling units.

Geberit Trade Waste:

Geberit’s products cover the entire path that pipes travel through a building, from connecting to the water supply to waste fittings and traps. The high quality of their pipes, which are resistant to wide temperature variation from very high to sub-zero, makes them flexible for use with most chemicals.