A cold snap has hit Brisbane! On this side of the country, we never seem to ease into each season, it’s always just so sudden. So now we’re scrambling to get the warm bedding and clothes out of storage, set up the heater and prep for the cold.

Woman shivering from the cold in her Brisbane apartment

When we get chilly weather, we still need to be conscious of saving energy and costs. So here are some friendly reminders of Dos and Don’ts for your hot water and solar energy systems.


DON’T set your hot water thermostat too high

It can be tempting to crank your hot water thermostat super high. But heating up to these hot temperatures will cost you a lot of money. There is also the added risk of being burnt. We know you want to warm up in a steam-filled bathroom, but if you’re coming out of the shower with red skin, it’s not a good thing!

So, what temperature should the thermostat be set at? 65°C is the best temperature for your hot water storage to prevent bacterial growth. However, this can still scald you when it comes out of your taps and showers. Installing a tempering valve will ensure a safer temperature. These are the temperature settings we recommend:

Taps and Showers: 50°C (or 45°C for households with young children or elderly people)

Laundry and Kitchen: 60°C

DON’T mess around with your solar tariff

You might notice a drop in solar energy production. Don’t mistake this for a problem with your solar system and start messing with your tariff set-up. Remember, solar relies on the sun, not heat.

It is natural for there to be less energy because of shorter winter days, not the cold. Even though it doesn’t feel like it, on a clear day, the sun still shines on your panels. They will happily do their job!


DO clean your solar panels

Regularly cleaning your solar panels is important for your solar system efficiency. Dirty solar panels can lead to a 5% – 35% power loss.

It is recommended to clean your panels and free them of dust and debris every 6 to 12 months. Just make sure you go about it safely!

DO turn off power hungry appliances

Be conscious of what appliances are plugged in and consuming energy. Make a habit of turning everything off before you leave for work and before you go to bed.

If you have solar power, make the most of the energy by setting the washing machine and dishwasher to run during the day. If you are planning to cook some hearty winter meals, try to put the slow roast in the oven when the sun is still up.

For more advice on solar hot water and heat pump hot water systems, give your licensed professional plumbers and installers a call!