Got problems with the hot water urn at work again? Don’t risk a decaffeinated workforce. It will be anarchy. Rather than replacing elements in a vintage urn or hot water boiler, it’s time to upgrade to a larger, more economical, and efficient system. Technology in commercial water heaters and boilers has come ahead since your sad little urn was installed, you could find a new commercial water boiler saves you big time on your power bills!

Office workers enjoying tea break in streamline breakroom, incorporating an all-in-one instant hot water boiler and sparkling water dispenser. No more hot water boilers cluttering up the counter.

Just like the kitchen is the heart of the home, the office kitchenette is the place where employees come to relax, refresh and connect in a more casual environment over a hot cup of tea or coffee. However, a clapped-out, ugly old boiling water unit hanging next to the sink that struggles to heat and has started delivering tepid water isn’t good for employee health or morale.

Learn More About Our Commercial Hot Water Services

Instant Hot Water Boilers Have Come a Long Way

Modern hot water boilers are no longer an eyesore that take up a lot of room in the workplace. back when we were first providing commercial plumbing services in Brisbane, the options for high-volume water boilers were very limited. Modern under-sink boiling water dispensers can add, rather than detract, from the aesthetic of your office kitchen, and can deliver not just instant boiling water, but also chilled or sparkling water at the touch of a button!

6 Reasons Why You Need an Instant Boiling and Chilled Water Tap in Your Workplace

1. Workplace Health (and Happiness)

A healthy workforce is a productive and happy workforce! Keep your staff hydrated throughout the workday by providing easy access to better-tasting water that has been filtered to remove sediment, chemicals, parasitic cysts, and lead. Under-counter water dispensers deliver instantaneous boiling, chilled and sparkling water for ultimate office catering convenience.

2. Environmentally Friendly Water Supply

If the strategic use of energy and the reduction of waste output is important to your business, switching to an instant boiling water tap that also delivers filtered chilled water is the logical solution. Not only do they negate the need for plastic water bottles which is good news for the planet, they are also designed to reduce energy consumption through innovative heat exchange technology. Another important factor to consider is that instant boiling and chilled water taps also reduce water wastage, allowing employees to only pour the exact amount that they need.

3. Economical

In an environment where demand is high, a sustained supply of boiling water is far more economical than running an old hot water boiler or repeatedly boiling a kettle. During periods of inactivity, instant boiling water units are designed to go into standby mode, maintaining a steady but lower water temperature that can quickly be increased when needed.

4. Safety

Instant boiling water taps come with built-in safety features to protect your staff. They also cater to employees with mobility issues as they don’t require them to pick anything up to pour.

5. Time-Saving

It’s not surprising that chilled and boiling water taps have become so popular in the corporate world. From a business efficiency point of view, it makes sense to alleviate the time employees wait around to make a drink. Without the need to queue up or wait for the water to boil, staff can enjoy their coffee or lunch break in its entirety, allowing them to return to their role feeling more rested and productive.

6. Aesthetics

Under-counter instant boiling and chilled water taps come in a range of modern styles that can give your office kitchen a sleek, minimalist appearance They also ensure fewer spills, less mess, and minimal steam.

Commercial Hot Water Maintenance (also hassle-free!)

  • Easy installation, with minimum disruption
  • Optional ongoing maintenance to maximise the lifespan your hot water dispenser and all your plumbing infrastructure
  • Any repairs use quality parts and are fitted by a quality Brisbane plumber.
  • Salmon Plumbers are on the job 24/7 – so no matter when you have a plumbing emergency, we’re close by and ready to give you priority service.

Is it time to upgrade your office boiling water dispenser? Contact Salmon Plumbing today to discuss your options.