Hiring someone to help you fit out your home or business with the best plumbing system can be nerve-wracking.

In this day and age, there are a million and one plumbers out there, so how do you know which plumber you can trust? Who is the best one? Who is the most cost-effective? And most importantly…who is qualified?

We’ve prepared the ultimate guide to help you find the right plumber for all your residential and commercial maintenance or emergency needs. Don’t worry, we’re the award winning plumbers Brisbane trust to get the advice just right!

First things first, you need to confirm that they’re qualified to operate in your state.

It’s no surprise that a lot of people will try to pass themselves off as licensed plumbers, but singling out the unqualified workers is important, otherwise you can put both your property and your wallet at risk.

There is also the troublesome fact that in some states, there are a number of unregulated plumbing services that can be performed by an unlicensed person.

A licensed and qualified professional is ALWAYS your safest bet when it comes to plumbing services. Their knowledge and expertise is going to protect your property, and ultimately be a plumber you can trust.

So, how do you know if your plumber is qualified? You look for licensing and ask them for their qualifications.

Each state in Australia has an online licensing database where you can check your plumber’s licensing information and verify that it is valid.

In Queensland, the relevant authority is QBCC.

Next, you need to make sure that they are insured.

Hiring a contractor that doesn’t have insurance means that if anything goes wrong, you’ll be paying for it out of your pocket – no matter who’s fault it is.

You don’t want to face invalid insurance claims, damages to your home or business that go unrepaired or, in some cases, the courts.

Before going ahead, make sure you ask upfront if the provider you’ve chosen has all the required insurance to operate in your state – better yet, get it in writing!

Then, take in the contractor and their business – are they of a certain quality?

With this piece of advice, we’re talking about manners, uniform, branding, a website, social media, etc.

It might seem insignificant, but a company that takes pride in their work and their people is going to employ a plumber you can trust.

Try asking yourself some questions like:

  • Do they have proper branding like a business name, logo and uniforms?
  • What is their business website like? Is it up to date? Does it have enough information?
  • How was their phone manner? Were they friendly and understanding?

Finally, check out their reviews and testimonials.

We’re living in the digital age, which means that these days it’s a lot easier to keep plumbers and plumbing businesses accountable.

So, make sure you take advantage of online reviews!

If a provider looks and sounds good but has terrible online reviews, then it might be a sign that something more sinister is happening on the job site.

And if you’re in the Brisbane metropolitan area, just call Salmon Plumbing!

Our crew are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and are fully qualified, licensed and insured to operate within Brisbane.

All you need to do is call 07 3862 2600 to speak with one of our team members.

If you’re looking for more plumbing guides and how tos, click here to read our blog.