Non compliant plumbing

Spring is often a popular time to purchase a new property or relocate to a new area. If you’re actively searching for properties to buy, you will want to know how to identify non-compliant plumbing work in the property.

It’s becoming more common place for a pre-purchase house inspection to include a plumbing and electrical inspection too. Before, it was recommended for a building inspection and termite inspection before the sale became unconditional.

Unfortunately, the rise of DIY renovators have uncovered some nightmare renovations which should have been conducted by a licensed tradesperson. New home owners can be unbeknown to the potential costs associated with fixing non-compliant plumbing work. It can be in the tens of thousands to rectify.

To avoid the unexpected cash outlay to fix what should have been installed right the first time, pre-purchase plumbing and electrical inspections can offer peace of mind before the sale of the home becomes unconditional. So how do you identify non-compliant plumbing work in a property you wish to buy?

Follow your nose

It’s highly likely the vendor will have the house smelling like roses to draw you in and make an offer. But smells to follow your nose with can lead you to the wet room areas. Un-trapped fixtures will give off a sewer smell. Look inside cupboard doors to check for the s and p traps for the basin and sink wastes. Check for moisture and mould on walls for unsuspected leaks. Mould can give off an unpleasant scent.

Look for unusual pipe installations and back fall

If you see a waste pipe with backfall, or double up connections with A LOT of excess glue, this is an indication of unlicensed plumbing work.

When the pipe is reduced to a smaller diameter pipe in the ground, this is another example of non-compliant plumbing.

These installations can be fixed, however if there are a few areas where the plumbing needs to be demolished and updated, that’s an expense you shouldn’t have to pay. It also prompts a wariness of what else was done unlicensed in the property?

Silicone everywhere

Silicone is needed in the right applications, but when it is smeared in the bathroom like a toddler with toothpaste, you know there is a hidden plumbing problem the owner was trying to fix or conceal. An infrared termite inspection will be able to spot moisture in the area if you are concerned.

Flexible hose connections everywhere

Flexible hoses have their place for connecting taps and toilet cisterns. The issue is when they are connected together like ropes for a water connection. If you see flex hoses connected together for water or gas lines – run.

If it doesn’t look right, it’s probably not

If you find something unusual in the way of plumbing in the property, your suspicions may be right, and it may in fact be illegal. The only way you can be sure is to organise a pre-purchase plumbing inspection.

Salmon Plumbing can check all areas of the property and even put a camera down the drains to ensure there are no hidden surprises down the line which could cost you thousands of dollars to fix. If you’ve already purchased the property and have found unusual smells, siphonage or blockages, contact the team so we can investigate the issues for you.