Updated 2024 by John Salmon. Flood prevention is a hot topic in Brisbane. Summer is our wet season in Queensland and spring is the ideal time to check the external plumbing around your home. No one wants a moat around their house when the storms and rains inevitably hit. Proper backyard drainage is key to preventing water inundation inside your home, but the process starts with your roof!

Here are some checks and maintenance tips you can do around your house to ensure the water flows where it needs to go.

1. Clean your roof and remove debris

The roof is the largest surface area of your home, and it’s the first surface to be hit by rain. Ensure your roof is clean and debris-free so that when the rain does hit, it doesn’t wash accumulated debris through your gutters or downpipes, causing a blockage.

2. Empty gutters of leaf debris

Cleaning your gutters is step one in flood prevention. Crack out the ladder every spring and spend a Saturday making sure there is no leaf litter preventing the water from flowing through each channel to the stormwater drains. Leaf matter can break down and congest downpipes. This can cause a back-up of water when it storms or rains, and this water has nowhere to go except overflow the edges of the gutters, falling around the house often causing an external flood.

3. Inspect rusty gutters and down pipes and ensure correct fall

Every spring, your gutters and down pipes should be inspected for rust and openings which can cause a water to fall through, instead of being directed away from the home through the existing storm water drainage. Have rusty gutters and downpipes replaced as soon as possible to avoid the drama of an external flood during storm season.

Also ask your trusted Brisbane plumber to check for backfall of gutters. The correct fall ensures the water flows towards the downpipes, not away from them.

4. Flood prevention and stormwater grates

Often significant rain events can wash sand and dirt down storm water grates. This needs to be emptied to ensure a free channel of water to flow through when the next rain event hits. Click here to read more about storm water.

5. Ask your plumber to calculate the right number of downpipes for your roof surface area

Some houses just don’t have enough downpipes to meet the capacity of water fall from the surface area of their roof. Moving water from your guttering and is key to flood prevention at home, and usually where the process comes unstuck. If you think this is a problem at your property, call Salmon Plumbing out to investigate and offer a solution. This could be an opportunity to add a rainwater tank or two to be prepared for drought. If you’ve got an ageing rainwater tank, have your plumber inspect it for signs of cracking and decay. Upgrading a rainwater tank isn’t too expensive or difficult.

6. Flood prevention means the correct-sized stormwater pipes underground

Most stormwater pipes underground around houses are 90mm PVC. Often this pipe is not big enough for the amount of water that flows through the down pipes. Upgrading these pipes can help prevent a moat situation around your house during a heavy rain event. Of course, making sure you have no issues with blocked drains is vital too! If you suspect you may have a blockage anywhere in your drainage system, call us out stat. The next big storm could be brewing.

Keeping gardens maintained and away from storm water grates ensures water can flow to where it needs to go when it matters most.

The external plumbing to your home is vitally important to prevent floods around your house. External floods can cause damage inside your house, by seeping through window and door openings. It’s an inconvenience that can be avoided with the right storm water drainage around your home.

Another health concern to be aware of is any type of pooling of water in gutters and around the home can also attract mosquitoes. The pools of water offer mozzies the the perfect spot to breed. This is a health concern as mosquitoes can spread the Zika Virus and Ross River Fever. Ensuring adequate storm water drainage can prevent mozzies making a home at your home. Flood prevention isn’t just about potential damage to your property, it’s about keeping your family safe this storm season.

If you have a storm water blockage or have concerns about how rain water is channeled away from your home, give Salmon Plumbing a call. Our plumbers can offer solutions so you’re better prepared when the wet weather hits this summer.