Could your business do more to contribute to sustainability and reduce its carbon footprint? According to the people2people Recruitment 2023 survey, 3 in 5 Australian employees believe that their employers have fallen short of their expectations in environmental efforts and sustainability practices. It’s becoming increasingly important to people, particularly Gen Z (or Zoomers), that workplaces take sustainability seriously.

Woman drinking water from a reusable bottle in the office., to reduce plastic waste at work.

Fortunately, there is a very easy and affordable swap that you can make in your office that can significantly reduce plastic waste at work – install a boiling, cold and sparkling water drinking tap.

The Benefits of Installing a Boiling, Cold and Sparkling Water Tap in Your Office

Reduce Single-Use Plastics

If you are looking for solutions for plastic waste, installing a drinking water tap in your office is a great way to contribute to sustainability and reduce your carbon footprint. Despite a greater push for recycling over the past decade, approximately 373 million plastic bottles end up as waste each year and only around 35% of plastic drink bottles are recycled in Australia. Providing your team with a water tap that gives them instant access to chilled or boiling water is an easy way to lower their consumption of store-bought drinks in plastic bottles.

Reduce Energy Usage

With the cost of electricity now at an all-time high, finding energy-efficient solutions makes sense both from an economical and environmental standpoint. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an energy-efficient kettle, and a kettle that is boiled repeatedly throughout the day can be a huge waste of energy – particularly when it’s overfilled. In contrast, boiling water taps use heat exchange technology to harvest the waste heat generated by the chilled water system to heat the hot water. They are also designed to go into standby mode when not in use, so you only heat the water you need, when you need it. This makes fitting a boiling, chilled and sparkling water tap a very simple way to create a more sustainable workplace.

Plus, just think how much more productive your team will be if they can get their much-needed caffeine hit without standing around the kettle waiting for it to boil multiple times a day or walking down to the corner store for a bottle of chilled filtered water.

Reduce Water Wastage

Whether or not you already encourage staff to observe water-saving practices in the office, giving your workers access to a tap that provides chilled, boiling or sparkling water is a great way to reduce water wastage. Drinking taps dispense the exact amount of water required, so there is zero waste.

Implementing more environmentally friendly practices in the workplace needn’t be complicated or costly. Whilst there can be barriers to some sustainability practices that negatively impact profit and growth, installing a boiling water tap in your office is a small, inexpensive change that you can make today. Not only will it help build your brand as a sustainable workplace and give your employees everything they need to reduce plastic waste at work, but it’ll also show them that you care about both them and the planet!

Ready to reduce plastic waste at work, bring down your energy usage and save precious water? Of course you are! Now that you understand the benefits, it’s a no-brainer!

Give your workplace sustainability an instant boost with a new boiling, chilled and sparkling water tap. Contact Salmon Plumbing today for a quote.