How to Extend the Life of Your Hot Water Storage System

Major household repairs never come at a good time, and a failing hot water storage system in the colder months can be not only inconvenient, but downright uncomfortable as you are forced to race in and out of the shower to avoid getting pneumonia!

Of course, prevention is always better than a cure, so what steps can you take ahead of time as a homeowner or landlord to extend the life of your hot water storage system? Well, it turns out, like most things you rely on, your hot water system requires maintenance. Some hot water system maintenance you can do yourself, but every five years, you must call in your favourite Brisbane Plumber for a full service.

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Don’t Ignore Your Hot Water System Anode Service – Here’s Why

Your hot water system anode is an essential part of your hot water storage unit, so you need to take care of it. It is one part of the system that often goes unnoticed and if neglected can lead to significant costs down the line. As such, it’s essential to replace it at least every five years. Here’s what you need to know about this mysterious part.

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Here’s Why You Need to Service Your Brisbane Hot Water System ASAP

Here is a fact I bet Brisbane residents did not know! Hot water units require servicing every five years. And no, it’s not one of those sneaky services designed to charge you an arm and a leg for no reason. Brisbane water is “hard” and can be particularly hard on electric hot water heaters. It is an essential service to replace two of the more crucial components of the hot water system. 

The sacrificial anode and the hot water valves.

Why? Read on!

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Are Heat Pumps Brisbane Friendly? How They Work & The Climate They Need

If you are fishing for an energy-efficient solution to heat your water, heat pump systems could be the answer. But how do they work, and are they a good fit for our balmy Queensland climate? Let us explain. 

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The Ultimate Guide to Heat Pump Hot Water Systems in Brisbane

Don’t be left without hot water! 

It happens to us all. Waking up on a cold winter’s morning and discovering the hot water system has gone on the blink. Or returning home from a camping trip and there’s no hot water to wash off the unmistakable smell of the great outdoors. There’s nothing worse than an unreliable hot water system! 

Don’t stress. We’ve got you covered. 

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5 Reasons You Have No Hot Water

water tap with hot water steam

No one wants to start their morning with a cold shower, and certainly not during the peak of winter. It’s certainly an inconvenient occurrence to have freezing water cascading right when you need warmth the most. So what is the cause and what can be done to fix it? Here are 5 reasons why you have no hot water and how they can be fixed.

Split Tap Washers

If you have hot water coming through all the correct taps in your house, except not through the shower, you may need to replace the tap washers. A dribble of warm water through the shower rose is a sign the tap washer has split and is preventing the hot water to flow through to the shower rose. Get the washers replaced and you should have steaming water running through in no time.

Faulty Tempering Valve

All electric hot water installations should have a tempering valve installed. This tempering valve controls the temperature and tempers the heated and stored water to 50 degrees Celsius. If you have water running through the hot water tap, but it’s lukewarm or cold, your tempering valve may need to be adjusted or tested by a plumber and replaced if faulty.

Rusty, Split Tank

A rusty or split storage tank won’t be able to supply your home when it’s draining from the bottom of the tank. A rusty water tank is a sign of old age and a tank that has never had its sacrificial anode maintained. The only way to fix this issue is to replace the tank with a new system. Salmon Plumbing can give you a quote for supply and install of a new hot water unit to suit your needs.

Tripped Switch

As the name suggests, electric hot water units require electricity to heat the water. Even some gas hot water units require electricity to ignite the pilot light. Before calling a plumber to investigate the system, check the power switchboard of your home. If the switch labelled ‘HOT WATER’ is off, there may be an electrical fault which will require a call out from an electrician.

Faulty Relief Valve

If the hot water pressure is minimal throughout the house, this is a sign the pressure relief valve is faulty. Call your local plumber to replace immediately.

Sometimes the plumbing fault may not be immediately obvious to you. To give your plumber an idea of the possible cause, test all the hot water taps within your house. Make a note of the temperature and flow. This will prepare your plumber on what to look at first when they come out to fix the problem.

For all your hot water unit maintenance needs, contact Salmon Plumbing. Our team is ready to take your call today.

Legionella – What it is and Why it Might be Lurking in Your Home

If we asked 100 people what Legionella was, we bet we would get a high number of blank looks in return, which is a fair reaction. The Latin scientific name of a bacteria isn’t common knowledge for those of us without a passion for biology.

But Legionella can be the cause of Legionnaires’ disease, Legionellosis, and Pontiac fever, and in a lot of cases this can be traced back to hot water and plumbing equipment. So what is this sinister sounding bacteria and where does it lurk in your house?

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