What Causes a Leaking Roof?

A leaking roof often becomes noticeable when the ceiling has a notable watermark in the plasterboard. Or the cornice is warped due to the moisture.

Heavy rain, hail, storms and wet weather events like cyclones can put your roof to the test.

It can be difficult to identify where the leak is coming from and often requires a bit of investigation work by an experienced roof plumber.

There are a number of causes for a leaking roof. But here are some common ones and solutions for each.

Common causes for a leaking roof:

Blocked gutters

Gutters full of leaf matter and debris can not only block your downpipes, it can force the water to overflow back into the roof through the eaves. This type of water damage can be avoided through regular maintenance, and ensuring adequate storm water drainage is in place to remove rainwater away from the roof.

Blocked down pipes or storm water pipes

If the gutters are clear, but the down pipes or storm water pipes are blocked, the water will backflow through the gutters and overflow into the roof space. Always ensure down pipes and storm water pipes are free flowing. You can use a garden hose to test them to see if water comes back up through to the gutters.

Broken or missing tiles

Often hail or a falling tree branch can break roof tiles. Gail force winds can whip old tiles, which can allow water through the roof. If you have a tiled roof and suspect a leak, you will need a specialised roof plumber who has experience with tiled roofs.

Rusted ridge capping

Ridge capping is where the roof edges meet at an angle. If the ridge capping is rusted out, it will let water into your roof cavity. There is no quick fix for this as it will need to be replaced.

Rusted or blocked gulley

Roof valleys are the ‘V’ shaped metal channels that running through the folds of the roof. Valleys will catch leaf debris and much like gutters, if this debris is not removed, rainwater will find its way into your ceiling.

Rusted roof

This is a given that a rusted roof will allow water through rusty holes. The only solution is to get the roof replaced.

Faulty flashings

Flashings will be used around the edges of the roof or around penetrations like vents and skylights. If the flashing hasn’t been well made or moulded around the penetration, water will find its way into your roof.

Incorrectly installed roof sheets or roof flashings

Incorrectly installed roof sheets and roof flashings can result in roof leaks. Although you may not be aware of a leak until a big storm, persistent rain or strong winds and rain from a certain direction allow water into the roof, causing water damage to the ceiling.  In this case, replacement of the roof and flashings will be needed and silicone is only a temporary fix.

Salmon Plumbing has experience with metal roofs, including Colourbond. If you have leaking metal roof which needs inspecting and replacing, give the team a call on 3862 2600.