A blocked drain has appeared at your home, and you think “how hard can DIY drain cleaning be?” Hours later you’re elbow deep in foul smelling gunk, and you are still no closer to diagnosing the issue let alone fixing the problem. Simply dropping a tub of Drano down a blocked drain or wiggling a coat hanger around until the blockage passes, may give you a quick fix but it is likely you have just pushed the blockage further down the pipe, potentially creating an even bigger issue! Cleaning a drain is no joke and here is why getting the help of a professional is worth your time and money.

DIY Chemical drain cleaner being poured into shower grate.

DIY Drain Cleaning: The Risks 

When a blockage occurs, there are many risks to you and your home if the issue is not handled professionally including:

  • Chemical damage: Many DIY drain cleaning solutions contain harsh chemicals that can damage pipes, especially if used incorrectly or in excessive amounts. These chemicals can corrode pipes, causing pipes to leak or even burst. Additionally, chemical drain cleaners can be hazardous if they come into contact with skin, eyes, or mucous membranes, leading to burns or other injuries.
  • Incomplete blockage removal: DIY methods such as using a plunger or a drain snake may not always completely remove blockages, especially if the blockage is extensive or located deep within the pipes. This can lead to recurring clogs and backups, requiring repeated attempts to clear the blockage or necessitating professional intervention.
  • Pipe and fixture damage: Improper use of tools or excessive force when attempting to clear a blockage can damage pipes, fittings, fixtures, or other plumbing components.
  • Worsening of the problem: In some cases, DIY drain cleaning attempts can actually worsen the problem rather than solve it. For example, using a drain snake or auger incorrectly can push the blockage further down the pipe or compact it, making it more difficult to remove. This can exacerbate the issue and result in more extensive repairs being needed.
  • Environmental impact: Improper disposal of chemical drain cleaners or other DIY drain cleaning products can harm the environment. These chemicals can contaminate groundwater or surface water, posing risks to aquatic life and ecosystems.

To prevent blockages, it is essential to avoid flushing non-biodegradable items down toilets, use drain covers to catch hair and debris, dispose of grease and fat properly, and periodically inspect and maintain your plumbing system. Regular maintenance can help identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major blockages or pipe failures.


Regularly running very hot water down the sink will help break down fat residues and assist in keeping the drains clear. An added benefit of frequent hot water flushing is a reduction in the likelihood of smelly drains stinking up your house.

How Does a Plumber Fix a Blocked Drain? 

Once the blockage is located, a plumber will choose the appropriate method to clear it. Common techniques include:

  • Using a plumber’s snake or drain auger to physically break up and remove the blockage. This involves inserting a flexible cable into the pipe and rotating it to dislodge the obstruction.
  • Employing hydro-jetting, which uses high-pressure water to flush out clogs and debris from the inside of the pipes. Hydro-jetting is particularly effective for stubborn blockages and for cleaning the interior of the pipes.
  • Using specialised tools or equipment to remove specific types of blockages, such as root cutting tools for tree root intrusion or descaling equipment for mineral buildup.
Plumber using drain snake or auger to unblock drain, rather than DIY drain cleaning methods

Prevent a DIY Pipe Cleaning Disaster

To avoid DIY drain cleaning disasters, it is often best to leave the job to a professional plumber who has the expertise, experience, and proper tools to safely and effectively clear blockages without causing damage to your plumbing system or property. If you encounter a stubborn or recurring drain clog, it’s advisable to seek professional help rather than attempting DIY solutions that could potentially make the problem worse.

For the best advice on pipes and drainage, you can rely on the Salmon Plumbing team. From blocked drains and burst pipes to roof leaks and emergencies, we can meet your plumbing needs – day or night.