Salmon Plumbing Guarantee to ARRIVE ON TIME to your scheduled appointment.
In the rare instance that your plumber has been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, we promise to give you a MINIMUM 30-minutes notice of ANY change in arrival time and will offer to reschedule, if that’s more convenient for you
If we don’t give you at least 30 minutes notice in advance, we will happily give you a FREE Hour of Service on your plumbing job.
This offer is not to be used with any other offer.
Does not apply to quoted jobs.
Discounts will not be applied to overdue amounts.
Deposits are not refundable however partial or total refunds of deposits may be made at the sole discretion of Salmon Plumbing.
Salmon Plumbing reserve the right to charge for lost time as a result of cancellations and or postponement made less than 2 business days from the scheduled appointment time.
Salmon Plumbing offers a 6 and half year warranty as per the Queensland Building & Construction Commission (QBCC).
Salmon Plumbing Ladies: Virginia (Left) and Claire (Right)
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on the 8th March. The theme for 2020 is ‘I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights.’
Traditionally, International Women’s Day is
celebrated worldwide, offering an opportunity to celebrate and recognise the
wonderful contribution women have made in the workplace and in society. It’s
also a time to reflect on what changes still need to be made when it comes to
gender equality.
In generations past and still in the
present day, the plumbing industry has been a male-dominated industry. But the
times are changing – for the better, with women actively pursuing a career in
I thought this would be a great opportunity
to share with you the women who help the QLD Plumbing Industry thrive. Their
leadership, skill and work done behind the scenes are what drives better
outcomes for plumbing businesses in QLD.
These women have brought equality into the
plumbing industry and they should be commended and recognised for what they do.
Administration Team Behind the Scenes at Salmon Plumbing
I might be biased, but Salmon Plumbing has the best administration staff in QLD. Without them, our business would not run. Virginia, Claire and Tina are at the forefront of our business, taking your calls, organising the bookings and managing the paper trail that comes with running a plumbing business. Their genuine attitude to help, friendly customer service delivery and exceptional administration skills keep Salmon Plumbing in business. While what they do is done behind the scenes, if they were to quit tomorrow, we wouldn’t be able to function.
Plumbers’ Association of QLD (MPAQ) Executive Director Penny Cornah and Team
The MPAQ is run predominantly by women and it is no surprise the changes the team have put into place have been for the better for QLD plumbers.
Penny Cornah has been influential in her role as Executive Director by advocating for plumbers with government leaders and initiating solutions to problems within the industry. She is a female leader in a male dominated industry. Her advocacy to see QLD plumbing businesses thrive, while encouraging equal opportunities for women to make a career in the plumbing industry, should be commended and recognised.
Penny Cornah
Plumbing Alliance
The Women’s Plumbing Alliance is a group managed by the MPAQ and it not only recognises the work women do in the plumbing industry, it offers opportunities for mentorship and support. The group aims to address the isolation women can feel when they are running a plumbing business behind the scenes. It also focuses on initiatives to encourage more apprentices within the industry.
The group meet once a month and have
networking events throughout the year to ensure women who work behind the
scenes in their family plumbing business don’t feel isolated or
underappreciated. The group is comprised of women actively working in plumbing and
is comprised of volunteers who attend meetings and events to initiate change
and support for all women in the industry.
Women’s Plumbing Alliance
Plumbers in Areas of Influence – Plumbing Inspectors and TAFE Teachers
While there are only a small number of
female plumbers in QLD, many are running their own business or have gone on to
develop careers in areas of influence like being a plumbing inspector or
teaching apprentices at TAFE. These women are truly living out the
International Women’s Day theme of Generation Equality.
For all women working within the plumbing
industry whether in jobs of influence, behind the scenes in admin or on the
tools, we say thank you for what you do. Your contribution is recognised and the
plumbing industry in QLD is all the better for your involvement. Thank you for
stepping up and standing tall for gender equality within our industry.