Mould is the natural result of moisture and damp in your home, but could your plumbing be the cause? To discover if mould from water damage is the culprit, it’s time to investigate.

For more than 30 years, Salmon Plumbing has been helping Brisbane homeowners rectify plumbing problems. This local expertise means we’ve dealt with water damage from small leaks to huge floods and everything in between. If you have mould in your Brisbane home, we’ll identify the cause and provide a solution.

Mould in corner of room at base of wall - potentially caused by problem plumbing like leaking showers, toilets, taps or pipes, or by poor drainage.

Let’s take a look at the most common reasons we find mould flourishing in Brisbane homes.

Mould from water damage

If you suspect water damage is causing mould to grow in your home, it’s important to identify if faulty plumbing is to blame. Here are some of the most common plumbing problems we see that lead to water damage and mould.

Leaking pipes

Leaking pipes bring water into your home, and whether it’s a slow drip or a flood, the subsequent damp is the perfect environment for mould to thrive.

Leaking toilets, taps, showers, and sinks

Little leaks around bathroom fixtures are common, and most people ignore them if there are no other issues. However, the best way to avoid mould is to avoid creating a damp environment for it.

Leaking roofs

If you have a leak in your roof, it provides an entry point for moisture and water which can seep into your ceilings and the walls.

Mould on ceiling potentially caused by problem plumbing like roof leaks, broken gutters, or leaky pipes

Rusted or broken guttering

Roof gutters are designed to carry water away from your home, but if they are broken, rusted, or clogged, water will accumulate around the house and create excess moisture, leading to mould.

Poor drainage

If your drainage isn’t operating properly, water can pool around the home’s foundations which can cause damp in the crawl space. That allows mould spores to grow and spread throughout your home.

Mould-proof your home

Mould is an unsightly problem, but there are bigger concerns than how it looks. The presence of mould in the home can pose a health risk to you and your family.

  • Mould can cause and exacerbate existing respiratory issues.
  • It can weaken your immune system and lead to more infections.
  • Mould can contribute to chronic headaches and fatigue.
  • It can irritate the skin, eyes, and nose.
  • If someone has existing health problems, these may be further aggravated by the presence of mould.

Address the underlying issues contributing to mould growth and remediate the area properly. Tackle leaks quickly and have damaged gutters replaced or repaired. Regular maintenance is key, and regular inspections can find potential problems before they have a chance to take hold.

If you suspect your home has mould from water damage,
call Salmon Plumbing to arrange a thorough inspection
and address any plumbing faults.