How to Choose the Best Hot Water System In Brisbane

Hot water systems are one of those things in our homes that we take for granted until hot water stops coming out of the taps…… and that’s fair enough. For the most part, hot water systems are hard-wearing, long-lasting and (mostly) hidden from view. But not from your budget. For Brisbane residents, the best hot water system isn’t just about your family’s needs, it’s about our climate – don’t worry we’re the experts hot water plumbers in Brisbane. We’ve got you.

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How to Extend the Life of Your Hot Water Storage System

Major household repairs never come at a good time, and a failing hot water storage system in the colder months can be not only inconvenient, but downright uncomfortable as you are forced to race in and out of the shower to avoid getting pneumonia!

Of course, prevention is always better than a cure, so what steps can you take ahead of time as a homeowner or landlord to extend the life of your hot water storage system? Well, it turns out, like most things you rely on, your hot water system requires maintenance. Some hot water system maintenance you can do yourself, but every five years, you must call in your favourite Brisbane Plumber for a full service.

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Why We’re the First Choice in Crane Truck Hire for Brisbane Roofers

Roofing isn’t just any old job – it’s a craft that demands real skill and top-notch gear. And let’s be honest, every single project matters. But it’s those big, challenging jobs that can really catapult your business into the spotlight.

Think about it – a job well done not only sparks glowing reviews around town; it also gives you some impressive photos for your portfolio.

If you’re faced with a major job where removal of the solar hot water system is required and you can’t handle it because you don’t have a crane truck, the last thing you want to do is refer it to another roofer. And there’s a good chance you don’t have the time to get your team crane truck licenses to operate a rental.

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Hot Water Tank Valve Replacement and How it Saves You Water and Energy

When your hot water system was first installed, your plumber will have left you with a system manual, a warranty, and a recommendation to arrange routine hot water servicing which includes replacing the tempering valves every five years.

But if that was a while ago, your memories are probably a little hazy – so if you haven’t been thinking about your hot water valves since then, we don’t blame you! It seems like such a small thing – what difference could it really make?

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Queensland Residents Apply Now for Hot Water Rebates

Queensland Households – Install a new Heat Pump Hot Water System today and access the Federal Government’s STC Homeowner Rebate. 

Up to $3,700 in Small Scale Technology Certificates available on eligible energy efficient household installations right now. 

Salmon Plumbing has all the details right here on how to get your STC Credits.

UPDATED: June 2024

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Solar Hot Water Tank Replacement – Here’s What You Need To Know!

Considering a solar hot water tank replacement? The options available depend on whether your solar hot water system is installed on the roof or the ground. Each configuration has its considerations, and the choice of replacement options may vary accordingly.

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Don’t Ignore Your Hot Water System Anode Service – Here’s Why

Your hot water system anode is an essential part of your hot water storage unit, so you need to take care of it. It is one part of the system that often goes unnoticed and if neglected can lead to significant costs down the line. As such, it’s essential to replace it at least every five years. Here’s what you need to know about this mysterious part.

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How to Apply for Heat Pump Rebates in Queensland

There are plenty of reasons why you should consider applying for hot water government rebates when you purchase and install a heat pump. Whether your goal is to receive significant financial savings via a partial refund or discount or to align yourselves more closely to the environmental benefits and cost-effective heating solutions that heat pumps provide, here is your essential guide to applying for your hot water rebate.

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Are Heat Pumps Brisbane Friendly? How They Work & The Climate They Need

If you are fishing for an energy-efficient solution to heat your water, heat pump systems could be the answer. But how do they work, and are they a good fit for our balmy Queensland climate? Let us explain. 

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Heat Pump Hot Water System Reviews

Congratulations on choosing a heat pump hot water system.  You’ll qualify for hot water upgrade rebates, and you’ll enjoy years of real savings on your water heating bills. 

So, which heat pump hot water works best for your family?  Let Salmon Plumbing, the Big Fish in Water Heating Efficiency guide you through the best options available in Australia.  We’ve already weeded out inferior systems and have carefully selected the four best heat pump hot water systems on the market.   

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